Terrible grammar and error-riddled speech is frequently a problem for young adults.
Poor English makes you sound unprofessional and can lead to laughs at your expense! If you need to touch up on your English, or just want a few giggles, read on!
Continuing our user-driven series on common English bloopers, let's highlight a few mistakes overhead by Rediff.com users.
Shilpa Archaya sent several bloopers she encounters frequently.
~ Please return my book back.
~ Could you repeat that last line again?
In both cases, the final word is redundant. When you return a book, you give it back to the owner. When you repeat a line, you're saying it again. They should read:
~ Please return my book.
~ Could you repeat that last line?
Shilpa also noted the following common mistake.
~ I, my sister and Deepa went to the mall
'I' and 'me' are always placed at the end of a list of names/ pronouns. The correct usage is:
~ My sister, Deepa and I went to the mall.
SM Hussein from Andhra Pradesh notes the prevalence of other redundancies:
~ The fish aquarium is very large.
~ The dance ballet was lovely.
In both cases, the descriptive word is unnecessary. An aquarium houses fish and a ballet is always a dance! The correct usage is simply:
~ The aquarium is very large.
~ The ballet was lovely.
Another mistake Hussein hears frequently:
~ I could not able to do it, sir.
In this case, either able should be removed or could should be replaced with was. Here are the two correct possibilities:
~ I could not do it, sir.
~ I was not able to do it, sir.
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